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Upcoming Opportunities

College/Military Visits

College Visits are done in the in the HS Counseling office, students must sign up and get a pass from the Counseling Admin Assistant to visit with the college rep.

Upcoming Visits
February 3rd - North Iowa Area Community College @ 10:00am
February 13th - St Mary's University @ 8:00am
March 5th - University of Minnesota-Duluth @ 1:00pm

Free ACT Practice Tests at Kasson Public Library

Sylvan will be hosting two free ACT practice tests at the Kasson Public Library. The first will be on Saturday, February 22 at 9am and the second will be on Saturday, April 26 also at 9am. Students will need to register ahead of time with Sylvan if they wish to attend. To get registered, call or text Sylvan at 507.258.6036 or email them at

Here is link to the promotional flyer.