Career Exploration
Military Branch Options: Click Here to Explore all U.S. Military Options
Job Corps Admissions: Educational and Vocational Training Program for 16-24 year old youth. Click Here to access MN's Job Corp site.
Reading and Math Corps Program: Open to recent graduates. Click Here to access MN's AmeriCorps site.
Apprenticeship: A combination of on-the-job training and related classroom instruction under the supervision of a journey-level craft person or trade professional. Carpenters, masons, plumbers and many other professionals often learn their trade through apprenticeships.
How to get ready for a career in the Construction Trades
Increasing Diversity in Environmental Careers Program (IDEC): This program provides a unique college-to-career pathway for underrepresented STEM college students, specifically women, racial and ethnic minorities, or individuals with disabilities who want to pursue a career in environmental and natural resource fields. Learn more about how you can participate HERE.
Massage Apprenticeship Program- Rochester, MN
It is a 2 year program and the apprentices who finish are eligible to sit for the MBLex which is the entry level exam to get licensed as a Massage Therapist. Click here for more information.